同义词: H-319/68
应用; A thrombin mutant anticoagulant antagonist
CAS号码: 159776-70-2
纯度: ≥95%
分子量: 429.51
分子式: C22H31N5O4
* 参考分析证明 大量特定数据 (包括水 含量).
介绍 技术信息 安全信息 安全技术说明书和分析证明书
Melagatran is an agent which functions by preventing tissue factor expression in human platelet-monocyte heterotypic complexes. Studies indicate that Melagatran causes fibrinolytic activity in PRP clot models, which is comparable to that observed in platelet-poor models which consist of tissue factor-induced clots. In addition, these studies determined that the fibrinolysis ability of Melagatran is not affected by the presence of platelets. Melagatran effects platelet aggregation in a dose dependent manner, with low concentration having the greater effectiveness. Also it has been suggested that Melagatran can differentially inhibit γ-thrombin/PAR-4 receptors over α-thrombin/PAR-1 receptors.
1. Semeraro, F., et al. 2007. Thromb. Haemost. 98: 1208-1214. PMID: 18064315
2. Belliard, A., et al. 2008. Cell. Mol. Biol. 54: OL1077-OL1082. PMID: 19149969
3. Soslau, G., et al. 2008. J. Thromb. Thrombolysis. 25: 198-203. PMID: 17710375
物理状态 :
溶解度 :
Soluble in Methanol
保存 :
Store at -20° C
熔点 :
172-177° C
密度 :
~1.4 g/cm 3 (Predicted)
PubChem CID :