中文名称: C18不饱和脂肪酸与1,2-乙二胺、1,2,3-丙三醇、1,3-异苯并呋喃二酮、妥尔油和妥尔油脂肪酸的聚合物
中文别名: C18不饱和脂肪酸与1,2-乙二胺、1,2,3-丙三醇、1,3-异苯并呋喃二酮、妥尔油和妥尔油脂肪酸的聚合物
英文名称: C18不饱和脂肪酸与1,2-乙二胺、1,2,3-丙三醇、1,3-异苯并呋喃二酮、妥尔油和妥尔油脂肪酸的聚合物
英文别名: fatty acids, c18-unsatd., dimers, polymers with ethylenediamine, glycerol, isop;Fatty acids, C18-unsatd., dimers, polymers with ethylenediamine, glycerol, isophthalic acid, pentaerythritol, tall oil and tall-oil fatty acids;fatty acids, c18-unsatd., dimers, polymers withethylenediamine, glycerol, isophthalic acid, pentaerythritol, tall oiland tall-oil fatty acids;Fatty acids,C18-unsatd.,dimers,polymers with ethylenediamine,glycerol,isophthalic acid,pentaerythritol,tall oil and tall-oil fatty acids;hthalic acid, pentaerythritol, tall oil and tall-oil fatty acids
cas号: 72480-46-7
分子式: -
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InChI: -
密度: -
熔点: --
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折射率: -
蒸汽压: -
物化性质: -
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危险品标志: -
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